In-Store/Curbside Pickup
Curbside pickup is currently available at both stores (Poughkeepsie, NY and Mamaroneck, NY).
In-store pickup for online orders is available at Mamaroneck only.
How to place an order for Curbside Pickup via phone
You can place an order for curbside pickup over the phone with the Half Time store closest to you. Simply call the store, let us know what you want to order and we will pick your order. We'll take your credit card over the phone.
When will my Curbside/In-Store Pickup order be ready?
Orders will be available for pickup within 1-2 hours of the same business day. If the order is placed after business hours or less than one hour before closing time, it will be available the following business day.
How do I know when my Curbside/In-Store Pickup order is ready?
Half Time will send you an email or text message indicating that your order is ready to be picked up. Please wait for this confirmation before arriving at the store to ensure that your order is ready.
Where do I pick up my Curbside/In-Store Pickup order?
If you would like curbside pickup, park in the north side parking lot and then call or text to confirm you are here. A sales associate will bring out your order shortly.
Alternatively, you can retrieve your order inside the store (Mamaroneck) simply by asking one of our sales associates at the register.
What do I need to bring with me for Curbside Pickup?
When picking up your order, we ask that you present a valid ID proving you are at least 21 years or older.
Can I send someone else to pick up my order?
Yes! Please let the Half Time staff member taking your order that you are arranging for someone else to pick up your order. The person picking up must have a valid ID proving they are at least 21 years or older.